Design Strategy Artifacts

I'm a problem-solver and big believer in root cause analysis. Think big, but start small.

How might we view sales reps as internal customers with painpoints?

Problem Statement

Sales reps were habitually accessing outdated files and bookmarks due to poor version control, mixed messaging, and general lack of information architecture.

Proposed Strategy

Design Inspiration


Note: I made this informal screencast video for a sales newsletter in ~1hr.  

For sample collaboration in demand-generating content, visit this landing page associated with this video (no signup required)

How might we respond to diverse levels of technical user readiness? 

Problem Statement

Professional Learning (PL) workshops occur after an unpredictable and often painful product onboarding process i.e. setup for single sign-on, rostering, activation emails, etc. Workshop participants frequently arrive with unresolved issues that require troubleshooting, which distracts from deeper levels of engagement with the learning content.

Proposed Strategy

Design Inspiration

“In contrast to journey mapping, a customer experience map is best used if you don’t know exactly where the problem lies. You know something, somewhere is falling short, and by approaching the exercise in an honest and open-minded manner, you can hopefully nail down exactly where the customer pain points are, when before, you might not have known they existed at all. One key thing to be mindful of is that this is a customer experience map, meaning it’s got to be from their perspective, not yours or your business’s. One common pitfall to avoid is mapping out what you think the experience should be, when really, you want to map out what the experience actually is in the customer’s eyes, warts and all." -Jake Hudson-Wood