Product Strategy Artifacts

I manage diverse stakeholders in product positioning, sales enablement, and go-to-market efforts. #NIHITO (except when I'm facilitating!)

How might we estimate desirability, feasibility, and viability?

Problem Statement

Attempts to increase cross-functional GTM collaboration were stalled by silo mentality, group bias, or meeting fatigue. Due to the lack of market research, stakeholders had to rely on internal experience and gut instincts i.e. SWAG

Proposed Strategy

Design Inspiration


How might we clarify decision-making roles for senior management?

Problem Statement

The organizational shift to remote work was largely reactive, resulting in adhoc decision-making, unintended downstream impacts, and frustration due to general lack of transparency from senior and executive leadership.

Proposed Strategy

Design Inspiration

“Real creativity is the ability to solve a problem you can’t solve by getting upstream of it and changing it into a problem you can solve. You can only do this by the application of radical common sense and ruthless simplicity.” -Dave Trott